Reasons Some Rent, Instead Of Own

Although it is generally, considered, to be the American Dream, owning a home, of their own, is not, for everyone! Although studies indicate, in the longer - run, it is more cost - effective, to be an owner, than renter, there are certain individuals, who, it is often, not for. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, consider, identify, and discuss, some of the items, which might make someone, a less, than stellar, candidate, for home ownership.
1. Down - payment: There might be several reasons, certain individuals, lack the necessary down - payment, needed, to put down, in order to purchase a house. Some lack the necessary discipline, while others might not have the financial necessities, or have experienced major obstacles (economic/ financial, etc), which have made it challenging, to put together the funds. Others are afraid, to proceed, because they lack the self - confidence, etc, which makes them, ready, willing, and able, to handle the stress, etc.
2. Reserves: In addition to having the needed, up - front, funds, there are many other financial obligations. and preparations, needed and necessary! Wise individuals put together, at least 6 to 9 months, equivalence, in case of any interruption in earnings, etc. In addition, there should be separate reserves, for initial changes, or modifications, most new homeowners, perform. Then, money should be put aside, for regular repairs, upgrades, modifications, renovations, and unforeseen issues.
3. How much do you want it?: Are you prepared for home ownership? When you rent, your landlord is responsible for necessary repairs and maintenance, but when you own, you not only have to pay for it, but be responsible for either, performing the task (if you are capable) yourself, or bringing in a professional, to take care of it. This includes: electricians; plumbers; painters; concrete workers/ masons, etc.
4. Confidence: Do you have the necessary degree of self - confidence, to trust yourself, and your abilities, to handle the stresses and tensions, involved, in owning, a home, of your own? If the stresses and tensions, are things, you don't want to get involved in, and/ or, handle, then, owning a house, may not be, for you.

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While I personally, enjoy owning my own home, it is not for everyone. One should seek, to better, know, what makes him happiest, most satisfied, and serves his personal self - interest, etc.
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades, and a RE Licensed Salesperson, for a decade+. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for real estate:

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